
Friday, March 18, 2011


I have almost none, in most situations. There, I've said it.  This is one of my many, many flaws, and probably one of the top five.  So, what do I do when I want results immediately and I don't get them? Usually, I fret and worry and complain.  But lately, I've tried to remember that my plans aren't necessarily the best plans for me. Just because I want something, that doesn't mean that I really need it, or that I'm ready to handle what comes along with least not with the required grace and dignity.

I'm working on it.  I am fond of saying that I am a work in progress. We all are, really.  As long as I have goals and dreams, I will never stop growing and changing. I will keep becoming a better version of me.  Personal evolution. That's important to me.  I have a few goals in mind right now, and I'm doing what I can to work toward achieving them. The wait for results is agonizing and frustrating, but I know the rewards will be worth the wait. So I try my best to be patient and let things happen the way they are supposed to. And I try not to complain.  I try to be encouraging to others.

Are you patient? If not, how do you handle the wait?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Upside of Struggle

A struggle can take so many forms in life. It can be a physical trauma or challenge, an ethical dilemma, or an emotional upset.  No matter the form it takes, there is always a lesson to learn from just have to be willing to accept it. And you have to take the time to quiet your mind long enough to see it.

I took a vacation day yesterday, with plans to work on my writing and editing. I was really looking forward to the extra day away from the office to invest more time in my passion.  I woke up with a horrible sinus headache, which soon spawned a migraine, which in turn spawned a tension headache. Three headaches at once! Even on my best and most determined days, I can't work through that kind of pain. So I resigned myself to the fact that I had to treat the physical pain first.  I spent almost all day in pain.

Although I was upset that I didn't get any writing or editing done, the down time gave me an opportunity to reflect on the path my life has taken, and where I want it to go. Looking back now, that was what I really needed.  Sometimes I get so wrapped up in the act of getting things done and moving forward that I forget to stop and look around.

This is my advice: try to remember that it really is important to slow down, even stop, every now and then to make sure you're still on your intended path. If you find that you've taken a detour, figure out where and why, then set a new goal.  Don't wait for an illness to force you to slow down. But if it does, take the time to heal and grow the way you're supposed to.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


I often reflect on the people and things for which I am grateful. Sadly, I don't express my gratitude often enough. This is one attempt to right that egregious wrong.

There have been so many people who have inspired and encouraged me along my journey to achieving my dream of being a published poet and author. I have to start with my mom. It would have been so easy for her to sweep my dreams under the rug and focus on herself, but she never did. And I know now that she never will. Through all the toughest, darkest times in my life, she was there, bringing extra sunshine into my world.

The same holds true for my friends. Although some were only in my life for a short season, they have always introduced me to new experiences and viewpoints along the way. EVERYTHING that happens in life is an opportunity to learn, and everyone brings a distinct lesson.  It took me a long time to realize that, but knowing it now is incredibly liberating. 

My family: we don't get to choose our familial set, but I believe that they are very wisely chosen for us.  Just like everyone else, they all bring their lessons.  Some are there to teach us by example, some are simply there to love.  My family, like most, is a cast of characters rich in experiences and opinions.  I love the colors they add to my mural, and the notes they add to the soundtrack of my life.

Gratitude is a wonderful thing. If you truly take the time to stop and literally count your blessings, I defy you not to smile. I usually smile through tears, so strong is my gratitude.

To everyone in my life - past, present and future - thank you for what you have given to me.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I just read an interesting blog about empowerment, and I would like to know what others think about the meaning of empowerment. What does it mean to you? What makes you feel empowered? What does it mean to empower someone else?

I feel more empowered now than I ever have. Ever.  That tremendous feeling is due, in large part, to my wonderful friend and publisher, Miriam L. Jacobs. She urged me to start writing again after many years of leaving my gift inactive. The simple act of stringing words together in a way that was meaningful to me was completely empowering to me. It gave my life a purpose that had been lacking for far too long. I was born to be a writer. I ignored that fact for a long time, but the need to write never really went away. It got buried and shuffled and pushed aside, but it was still there.

Now, as a result of her friendship and encouragement, I am a published poet. I dreamed of that accomplishment when I was younger. I couldn't imagine anything better than having my own poetry collection published. At the end of last year, I had the honor of placing my book - MY book - on the shelf with the books of all the authors I have enjoyed reading over the years.  That was a truly monumental experience for me.

I'm dreaming new dreams now! I hope you are accomplishing yours and dreaming up others, too!