

All books can be purchased directly from the author/poet at Clicking on the images below will take you to that site.

Current books in print:

A Song for Me

An eclectic blend of poems, A Song for Me is the debut collection from poet Susan E. Henry.
Prevalent in Henry’s poetry is the theme of nature, but other poems explore romance, relationships, spirituality, and pure whimsy. The works collected in A Song for Me have been composed over a span of twenty years, and illustrate the range of the poet’s inspirations.

Short Shorts

Two talented authors.
Twelve short stories.
One amazing collection.

Authors Miriam L. Jacobs and Susan E. Henry have joined forces to create Short Shorts, a collection of short stories with something for everyone. The collection takes the reader for a ride through suspense (“Tangled Net”), coming of age ("Surrender"), romantic fantasy (“A Walk in the Park”), and a timeless love story (“Pure Love”). Jacobs and Henry have woven tales that depict vivid snapshots of family life, friendships, and the stuff of pure imagination, featuring unforgettable characters and commonplace scenes viewed from the authors’ uncommon perspectives. Each author lends her own voice to the collection, but the stories blend easily to create a lovely mural of life.

How To Jump From a Ferris Wheel and Land on Your Feet, Vol V


Empowering, Inspirational, Encouraging!

How to change a flat tire...
How to boil an egg...
How to clean a litter box...

How to books have been saving the lives of countless people for years. Simple two-page manuals to books with several chapters are published every year offering step-by-step directions and great advice on how to do just about anything. It is truly amazing what we can find when we search for it.

But, what about a young woman who struggles to escape from an abusive father who has been molesting her from the time she was three years old? Is there a how to book that will instruct her on how to escape?

Or, how about the woman who is forty-something years old and has had one bad relationship after another due to her inability to move forward after the untimely death of her father? Is there a how to book that will cradle her, hold her hand, and tell her that it will be all right because the author has been there?

How to Jump From a Ferris Wheel and Land on Your Feet is such a how to book. The life-changing, empowering ten-volume series is releasing the fifth volume in late August 2010, Candalyse Publishing.

The first volume was released in 2007. Ten phenomenal women were hand chosen to share a story from their lives. In subsequent volumes, subjects such as miscarriage and how to tell your children about it, the loss of a teenage son and how to live life without him, born with a disfiguring facial birthmark and how to make friends in school have been shared. At first, the stories seem chilling, extremely heart-wrenching, and filled with overwhelming sadness, but they all end in victory.

Inspired to help women to cope with extreme adversity, the series has taken on new meaning in the lives of a younger generation. Women who have contributed their candid and often painful to read stories have reported that their tweens and teens have been reading their copies of the books. Discussions on inappropriate touching by family members and strangers, physical abuse, dropping out of school, teen pregnancy, drug addiction, cutting, and other serious issues are being discussed as a result of young pre-teens and teens reading the Ferris Wheel series of books.

Wondering how to decide what book to read next? There is a how to book for that, too. In the meantime, How to Jump From a Ferris Wheel and Land on Your Feet, Vol. V is sure to inspire, enlighten, empower, and intrigue every reader.